
Avant Garde

Media & Content Manager - Avant Gaming

Avant Garde (Stylised as Av, or simply Avant) are a premier competitive gaming organisation based in Australia. The organisation sponsors some of the best players in games such as League of Legends, Smite, Call of Duty and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

As the Avant Media and Content Administrator, my primary role was to produce marketing content to grow the brand on social platforms. Avant’s social media audience grew 276%, and engagement with the readers increased by an average of 29% per post.

I also managed a team consisting of content and graphic designers to create content for the organisation. The sales pitch I produced helped our brand land major sponsors including AMD, Netgear and AORUS.

The following is a list of content produced for Avant Garde

As Avant Garde was acquired by the Dire Wolves, the site and content have been shut down, however, I’ve included links to pages cached by the WayBack Machine where available.

Avant’s new LoL line-up - http://avantgaming.com.au/articles/news/league-of-legends-/58/announcement-avant.lols-new-lineup
CGPL Season 2 Recap - http://avantgaming.com.au/articles/news/counter-strike-go/57/cybergamer-premier-league-lan-finals-recap
Announcing Avant’s new SMITE team - http://avantgaming.com.au/articles/news/No%20Category/50/welcome-avants-new-smite-team
Player Profile: Av Porky, LoL toplaner - http://avantgaming.com.au/articles/news/league-of-legends-/45/meet-the-team-porky-top-lane
Dirty Bomb Preview with Luke “Subfloor” Gougeon - http://avantgaming.com.au/articles/reviews/gaming/68/avant-subfloors-first-impressions-of-dirty-bomb-
Avant at the MLG 5K - http://avantgaming.com.au/articles/news/cod-xbox/63/avant-at-the-mlg-5k-17052015
Avant.CoD at the ACLPRO 5K - http://avantgaming.com.au/articles/news/cod-xbox/59/av.t1-win-the-aclpro-5k
Avant.CoD at the 5th CG AW Competition - http://avantgaming.com.au/articles/news/cod-xbox/56/avant-goes-big-at-the-5th-cg-advanced-warfare-championships-p2p-comp

Photos of Avant at LAN events:

Videos produced for Avant Gaming:

Other videos:

Avant partners with Esportsclothing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwV3xL6oC-4
Avant Player Interview - Subfloor and Sporks (Smite): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8dpu2S83n0
Avant Player Interview - Destiny and Warbul (LoL): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBgriw5-mEI
Avant Player Interview - Destiny (LoL): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waTAqB836Ec
Kenste Tribute Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70QPXsLfPi0
Av Vlog - Junnie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcesLxkvWAg
Avant’s new botlane announcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmwnXRoytcU
Avant OPL Highlights - W4D2 vs Dire Wolves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNwJyjCLpZg
Avant OPL Highlights - W5 vs Absolute and Chiefs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M19Dvx9KPAQ
Avant OPL Highlights - W6D2 vs SIN Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0i04_okq4A
Avant OPL Highlights - W7D1 vs Immunity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pM8B8l1uhc
Avant OPL Highlights - W7D2 vs Sudden Fear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CL4QvUjbyo
Avant OPL Highlights - W3D1 vs Sudden Fear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrnCSbOlJfM
Avant OPL Highlights - W3D2 vs Legacy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkmRu7SnG-w
Avant OPL Highlights - W1D1 vs Immunity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5keBAR3DSGA